Reseach Talks
- On the lifting property for the universal C*-algebras of operator spaces
- A non-extendable bounded linear map between C*-algebras
- On injectivity and nuclearity for operator spaces
(in collaboration with Effros
and Ruan)
- A short proof of the Oikhberg-Rosenthal theorem
- On the set of finite dimensional subspaces of preduals of von Neumann algebras
- Sur les espaces Lp
non-commutatifs à l'IHP,
novembre 1999.
- Local theory and local reflexivity
- Amenable actions and exactness for discrete groups
- On exactness of reduced group C*-algebras
- On OLp spaces
- On the lifting problem for separable C*-algebras
- Free Probability and Noncommutative Banach Spaces at
MSRI, January 2001.
- Almost completely isometric embeddings between preduals of von Neumann algebras
- Exactness for free group factors
- Nuclearity of reduced amalgamated free product C*-algebras
- Operator Algebras and Their Applications at
RIMS, September 2001.
- An application of expanders to B(\ell_2)\otimes B(\ell_2)
- Homotopy invariance of AF-embeddability
- Aspects of Operator Algebras at
RIMS, January 2002.
- A survey on R^\omega embeddability
- Homogeneity of the pure state space for a separable C*-algebra
- Annual Meeting of Math. Soc. Japan at Meiji Univ, March 2002.
- Operator Space Mini^2 Conference at
UT Austin, July 2002.
- A survey on discrete exact groups
- Application of uncountably many property T groups of Gromov to operator algebras
- On Connes' Approximate Embedding Problem
- Solid von Neumann algebras
- Some prime factorization results for type II_1 factors
- Weakly exact von Neumann algebras
- A Kurosh type theorem for type II_1 factors
- New progress in the classification of group von Neumann algebras
- Hyperbolic groups and type II_1 factors (minicourse)
- On exact discrete groups
- Amenable Actions And Applications
- Survey on the CBAP
- An invitation to the similarity problem (after Pisier)
- Operator Spaces and Their Application,
RIMS, January 2006.
- Property (T) for universal lattices, after Y. Shalom
- A comment on free group factors
- Generalized Bozejko-Picardello inequalities
- Weak amenability of hyperbolic groups
- Weakly exact von Neumann algebras
- Recent advances in classification of finite von Neumann algebras
- On a class of II_1 factors with at most one Cartan subalgebra
- Operator Algebra Seminar at University of Tokyo, July 2007.
Workshop in Analysis and Probability,
Texas A&M University, August 2007.
Operator Spaces and Group Algebras,
BIRS, August 2007.
New Development of Operator Algebras,
RIMS (Kyoto), September 2007.
- Workshop on von Neumann Algebras,
Fields Institute, October 2007.
- Workshop on Operator Spaces and Quantum Groups,
Fields Institute, December 2007.
- Rigidity in finite von Neumann algebras (5-hour minicourse),
- On a class of II_1 factors with at most one Cartan subalgebra II
- Topics in von Neumann Algebras,
BIRS, (2 lectures) March 2008.
- Operator Algebra Seminar at University of Tokyo, April 2008.
Operator Algebras, Dynamics, and Classification,
Texas A&M University, August 2008.
Non-commutative Harmonic Analysis with Applications to Probability,
Będlewo, August 2008.
Analytic Properties of Infinite Groups,
Genève, August 2008.
von Neumann Algebras and Ergodic Theory of Group Actions,
Oberwolfach, October 2008.
Harmonic analysis, operator algebras and representations,
CIRM, November 2008.
- von Neumann Algebras and Ergodic Theory,
UCLA, March 2009.
- von Neumann algebras and ergodic theory (Mini Course)
- Dixmier's Similarity Problem (Slides.pdf)
- Colloquium at Tohoku University, April, 2009.
Noncommutative Lp spaces, operator spaces and applications,
CIRM, June 2009.
- Operator Algebra Seminar at University of Tokyo, July 2009.
- Summer School:
Geometry and Rigidity of Groups,
Münster, August 2009.
- Séminaire d'Algèbres d'Opérateurs at
Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, October 2009.
- Operators and Operator Algebras
University of Edinburgh, December 2009.
- Colloquium at University of Tokyo, December 2009.
- KOTAC 2010,
Incheon, June 2010.
- Geometry and Analysis,
Kyoto University, March 2011.
- Seminar at McGill University, April 2013.
- Hyperlinearity, sofic groups and applications to group theory
(Mini Course, 3 hours)
- Quasi-homomorphism rigidity with noncommutative targets (Slides.pdf)
Rigidity in cohomology, K-theory, geometry and ergodic theory,
HIM (Bonn), November 2009.
- Functional Analysis Seminar at UCLA, March 2010.
- Colloquium at University of Hawaii, March 2010.
Danish-Norwegian Operator Algebra Seminar,
University of Copenhagen, April 2010.
- Geometry and Ergodic Theory Seminar,
EPFL, April 2010.
- Recent Developments in
Operator Algebras, University of Tokyo, June 2010.
- Satellite Conference on Operator Algebras
to ICM 2010, IMSc (Chennai), August 2010.
- Séminaire d'Algèbres d'Opérateurs at
Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, September 2010.
- AMS Fall Western Section Meeting,
UCLA, October 2010.
- Sendai Symposium,
Tohoku University, August 2011.
- Closable derivations on finite von Neumann algebras
(Mini Course, 3 hours)
- Group measure space von Neumann algebras and measure group theory
- Survey on weak amenability for groups (Slides.pdf)
- Japanese Western Operator Algebra Seminar, Awarayunomachi, December 2010.
- Finite Dimensional Approximations
of Discrete Groups, Oberwolfach, May 2011.
- II1 factors: rigidity, symmetries
and classification, IHP (Paris), May 2011.
- Workshop in Analysis and Probability,
Texas A&M University, July 2011.
- Banach Algebras 2011,
Waterloo, August 2011.
- C*-Algebras and Related Topics,
RIMS, September 2011.
- von Neumann Algebras and Related Topics,
RIMS, January 2012.
K-Theory, C*-algebras and Topology of Manifolds II,
Chern Institute of Mathematics (Tianjin), May 2012.
- Geometry and Analysis on
Discrete Groups, Kyoto, June 2012.
- ME embeddings for groups
- An introduction to sofic groups
- Weak amenability for groups and its applications (Mini Course)
- Is an irng singly generated as an ideal? (Slides.pdf)
- Introduction to Connes' embedding problem (4-hour minicourse)
- More on the fixed point property of semi-direct product groups
- Survey on the classification of von Neumann factors of type II1
- Connes's Embedding Problem and its equivalent (minicourse)
- Quantum correlations and Tsirelson's problem (Slides.pdf)
- Séminaire de géométrie et dynamique, ENS Lyon, December 2012.
- AmenAbility, EPFL, December 2012.
- Kansai Seminar, February 2013.
- C*-Algebras and Noncommutative Dynamics, Sde Boker (Israel), March 2013.
- CRM Colloquium, Montréal, April 2013.
- Operator Spaces, Harmonic Analysis and Quantum Probability,
ICMAT (Madrid), June 2013.
- PRIMA congress, Shanghai, June 2013.
- Fortifications of Kazhdan's property (4-hour minicourse)
- Analytic approximation properties for discrete groups (6-hour minicourse, Handwritten Notes)
- Continuous bundles of tracial von Neumann algebras
- Workshop on Operator Algebras, University of Tokyo, May 2013.
- Von Neumann Algebras and Measurable Group Theory, KU Leuven, July 2013.
- Dynamics, Geometry, and Operator Algebras, Texas A&M University, August 2013.
- C*-Algebren, Oberwolfach, August 2013.
- An amenable operator algebra which is not a C*-algebra
- Coarse geometry of discrete groups and applications (2-hour minicourse)
- Geometry of Moduli Space of Low Dimensional Manifolds, RIMS, November 2013.
- Noncommutative real algebraic geometry of Kazhdan's property (T) (Slides.pdf)
- Séminaire Géométrie Topologie Dynamique, Orsay, February 2014.
- Séminaire Dynamique Mesurable, ENS Lyon, February 2014.
- Séminaire d'Algèbres d'Opérateurs, Paris 7, March 2014.
- Operator Algebras Seminar, Fields Institute, April 2014.
- Operator Algebra Seminar, University of Tokyo, April 2014.
- Conference on Banach methods in Noncommutative Geometry, Wuhan, June 2014.
- Colloquium, Kyoto University, July 2014.
- Classification, STructure, Amenability and Regularity, University of Glasgow, September 2014.
- von Neumann algebras and ergodic theory, UCLA, September 2014.
- Arithmetic and allied subjects on the banks of the Neva, EIMI, November 2014.
- Colloquium, UCSD, October 2015.
- Asian Mathematical Conference (Plenary Speaker), Bali, July 2016.
- Approximation Properties for Group C*-Algebras (4-hour minicourse)
- Introduction to Noncommutative Real Algebraic Geometry (minicourse)
- Elementary amenable groups are quasidiagonal (Slides.pdf)
- The Furstenberg boundary and C*-simplicity (Slides.pdf and Notes.pdf)
- Kyoto Operator Algebra Seminar, RIMS, October 2014.
- Functional Analysis Seminar, UCLA, February 2015.
- Workshop on C*-algebras: Structure and Classification, WWU Münster, April 2015.
- NCGOA, Vanderbilt University, May 2015.
- Operator Algebra and Harmonic Analysis,
TSIMF (Sanya), May 2015.
- Operator Algebra Seminar, University of Tokyo, June 2015.
- Noncommutative Geometry, Oberwolfach, June 2015.
- Symposium: The mathematical legacy of Uffe Haagerup, University of Copenhagen, June 2016.
- Boundaries of topological groups with applications to Lyapounov exponents, symmetric spaces, and C*-algebras, TSIMF (Sanya), December 2018.
- Maximal subgroups and (operator) subalgebras, IMPAN, September 2019. (3 hours)
- A functional analysis proof of Gromov's polynomial growth theorem (Slides.pdf)
- WCOAS, UCSD, October 2015.
- Kyoto Operator Algebra Seminar, RIMS, October 2015.
- Colloquium, Kyushu University, November 2015.
- Measured group theory, ESI, February 2016.
- Nordic Congress of Mathematics, Stockholm, March 2016.
- Seminar, École Normale Supérieure, April 2016.
- COSy, CRM, June 2016. (3 hours)
- Pacific RIM Conference on Mathematics 2016, Seoul National University, June 2016.
- MSJ-SI: Operator Algebras and Mathematical Physics, Tohoku University, August 2016. (3 hours)
- A continuum of C*-norms on B(H) \otimes B(H) and related tensor products
- A remark on fullness of some group measure space von Neumann algebras
- Finite-dimensional representations constructed from random walks (Slides.pdf)
- Amenability of discrete groups, AIM, September 2016.
- Operator Algebra Seminar, University of Tokyo, November 2016.
- Non-positive curvature group actions and cohomology, Newton Institute, March 2017.
- Special Week on Operator Algebras, Research Center for Operator Algebras (Shanghai), June 2017.
- Von Neumann algebras and measured group theory, Institut Henri Poincaré, July 2017.
- Seminar "Groups, Actions and von Neumann algebras", Université Paris-Sud, September 2017.
- Ergodic and Geometric Group theory in Sendai (EGGS), Tohoku University, October 2017.
- Annual Meeting on Operator Theory and Operator Algebra Theory, Ritsumeikan University, November 2017.
- Operator Algebras and its Application, IPM (Tehran), February 2018. (4 hours)
- 2018 Spring Probability Workshop, Taipei, June 2018.
- Minicourse on Connes's Embedding Problem and its equivalent (A note on Slofstra's work)
- Kazhdan's property (T) and semidefinite programming (slides.pdf)
- Kyoto Operator Algebra Seminar, RIMS, November 2017.
- Operator Algebra Seminar, University of Tokyo, December 2017.
- Colloquium, UCLA, January 2018.
- Classification of group von Neumann algebras, AIM, January 2018.
- Approximation Properties in Operator Algebras and Ergodic Theory, IPAM, April 2018.
- Interactions between Operator Space Theory and Quantum Probability with Applications to Quantum Information, MFO, May 2018.
- RIMS-IMI colloquium, RIMS, January 2019.
- Operator Algebras, Groups and Applications to Quantum Information, ICMAT (Madrid), June 2019.
- Conference: SYM 10 Years Old, University of Copenhagen, June 2019.
- Geometry and Approximation, TU Dresden, August 2019.
- Oka Symposium, Nara Women's University, November 2019.
- Groups, Dynamics, and Approximation, MFO, December 2019.
- Geometry Symposium, Zoom, September 2020.
- Colloquim, Princeton University (Zoom), February 2021.
- KTGU workshop, Kyoto University (Zoom), February 2021.
- Full factors and co-amenable inclusions (slides.pdf)
- Connes's Embedding Conjecture and Quantum Information Theory
- An entropic proof of cutoff on Ramanujan graphs (slides.pdf)
- (Non-normal) Conditional expectations in von Neumann algebras (slides.pdf)
- Amenability for C*-dynamical systems (slides.pdf)
- Product Replacement Algorithm, Semidefinite Programming, and Operator Algebras
- A substitute for Kazhdan's property (T) for universal non-lattices
Back to the main Index.