List of Publications
(see arXiv[web]
for my publications after 1996)
Lattice generated by three subspaces
Examples of simple modules over quiver Hecke algebras (private notes)
Simplicity of heads and socles of tensor products,
Compos. Math. 151 (2015), no. 2, 377--396
(with Seok-Jin Kang, Myungho Kim and Se-jin Oh).
Lecture Notes in Mathematical Sciences, the Unversity of Tokyo,
vol. 13, (2014), noted by H. Hosaka and M. Mori.
Level zero fundamental representations over quantized affine
algebras and Demazure modules,
Publication of Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences,
41, no. 1, 2005, 223--250.
Crystal Bases for Quantum Generalized Kac-Moody Algebras,
Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 90, 2005, 395--438
(with Kyeonghoon Jeong, Seok-Jin Kang).
A functional model for the tensor product of
level 1 highest and level -1 lowest modules
the quantum affine algebra $U_q(\widehat{\goth{sl}}_{2})$,
European J. Combin. 25 (2004), no. 8, 1197--1229
(with B. Feigin, M. Jimbo, T. Miwa, E. Mukhin, Y. Takeyama).
T-structures on the derived categories of holonomic D-modules
and coherent O-modules,
Moscow Mathematical Journal, 4 (2004), no. 4, 847--868.
Equivariant derived category and representation of
real semisimple Lie groups,
in CIME Summer school ``Representation Theory and Complex Analysis'',
Venice, June 10--17, 2004, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1931,
Springer, Berlin, 2008.
Truncated microsupport and holomorphic solutions of
Ann. Scient. \'Ec. Norm. Sup.,4^{e}s\'erie, 36,
(2003) 583--599
(with Teresa Monteiro Fernandes, Pierre Schapira).
Realizations of Crystals,
Combinatorial and geometric representaion theory:
an international conference on combinatorial and geometric
representation theory,
Contemporary Mathematics 325, AMS, (2003) 133--139.
Bases cristallines des groupes quantiques,
Cours sp\'ecialis\'e 9, Soci\'et\'e Math\'emathique de France
(noted by Charles Cochet) 2002.
On Level Zero Representations of Quantized Affine Algebras,
Duke Math. J. 112 (2002), no. 1, 117--175, QA/0010293.
Micro-support and Cauchy problem
for temperate solutions of regular $\cal D$-Modules,
(with Teresa Monteiro Fernandes, Pierre Schapira).
โguภ ปใwฬWJP,
โgX (2000).
Duality of D-modules on flag manifolds,
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International Mathematics Research Notices,
23 (2000), 1243--1257 (with D. Barlet).
Invariant sheaves,
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Publication of Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences,
Kyoto University, 36 (2000), 491--509,
RIMS-preprint 966 (1994)
Parabolic Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials
and Schubert varieties,
94kb |
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RT/9908153, to appear in J. algebra
(with T. Tanisaki).
Characters of irreducible modules
with non-critical highest weights over affine Lie algebras,
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Proceedings of the International Conference on Representation Theory,
ed. Jianpan Wang, Zongzhu Lin,
China higher eduation press Beijing and Springer-Verlag Berlin Hendelberg
(2000) 275--296 (with T. Tanisaki).
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Ast\'erisque, No.271 (2001), 136pp
(with P. Schapira).
Ind-Sheaves, distributions, and microlocalization,
Seminaire Equations aux derivees partielles, 1998--1999,
Exp. No. XXII, 13 pp., Semin. Equ. Deriv. Partielles, Ecole Polytech.,
Palaiseau, (1999)(with P. Schapira).
Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture
for symmetrizable Kac-Moody Lie algebras. III
---Positive rational case,
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Asian J. Math. 2 no.4,(1998), 779--832
(with T. Tanisaki).
Crystal bases for the quantum
superalgebra $U_q(\gl(m,n))$,
Journal of Amer. Math. Soc.
13 (2000), 295--331
(with G. Benkart and S.-J. Kang).
Semisimple holonomic D-modules,
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Topological field theory, primitive forms and
related topics,
ed. Kashiwara et al,
Progress in Math. 160,
Birkh\"auser (1998), 267--271.
Quantized affine algebras and crystals with core,
Comm. Math. Phys. 195 (1998), no. 3,
(with Seok-Jin Kang).
Finite-dimensional representations
of quantum affine algebras,
Publ. RIMS, Kyoto Univ.,
33 (1997), 839--867
(with Tatsuya Akasaka).
Integral transforms with exponential kernels and Laplace transform,
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Journal of the American Math. S.,
10 no. 4 (1997) 939--972.
(with P.Schapira).
Geometric construction of
crystal bases,
Duke Math. J., 89 (1997) 9-36
(with Y.Saito).
Quantization of contact manifold,
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Publ.of Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences,
32 no.1 (1996) 1--7.1
Perfect crystals and q-deformed Fock spaces,
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Selecta Mathematica, new Series
2 n. 3 (1996) 415--499
(with T.Miwa, J-U. Petersen, C-M. Yung).
Similarity of Crystal Bases,
Contemporary Mathematics [pdf],
194 (1996) 177--186.
Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture for affine Lie algebra
with negative level. II. Non-integral case,
Duke Math. J., 84 (1996) 771--813.
(with T.Tanisaki).
Moderate and formal cohomology of ${\cal O}$
associated with constructible sheaves,
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M\'emoire de la Soc. Math. de France,
Num\'ero 64, (1996)
(with P.Schapira).
Algebraic study of systems of partial differential equations,
Master thesis,
Translated by A. D'Agnolo and J.-P. Schneiders,
M\'emoires de la Soc. Math. de France, 63
Nouvelle s\'eries (1995).
Decomposition of q-deformed Fock spaces,
Selecta Mathematica, New Series, 1
(1995) 787--805 (with T.Miwa and E.Stern).
On crystal bases,
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Representations of Groups,
Proceedings of the 1994 Annual Seminar of the Canadian Math. Soc.
Banff Center, Banff, Alberta,
June 15--24,
(B.N. Allison and G.H. Cliff, eds),
CMS Conference proceedings, 16 (1995) 155--197,
Amer. Math. Soc.,
Providence, RI.
D-modules and representation theory of
Lie groups,
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Ann. Inst. Fourier, Grenoble {\bf 43}, no.5 (1994) 1597--1618.
Quasi-equivariant ${\cal D}$-modules,
equivariant derived category,
and representations of reductive groups,
Lie theory and Geometry in honor of Bertram Kostant,
Progress of Mathematics, 123 (1994) 457--488
(with W.Schmid).
Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture for affine Lie algebra
with negative level,
Duke Math. J., 77 (1995) 21--62. (with T.Tanisaki)
Characters of the negative level highest-weight
modules for affine Lie algebras,
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International Mathematical Research Notices,
no.3 (1994) 151--160 (with T.Tanisaki).
Crystal graphs for representations of
the q-analogue of classical Lie algebras,
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Journal of Algebra,
165 (1994) 295--345
(with T.Nakashima).
D-modules and representation theory of
Lie groups,
Ann. Inst. Fourier, Grenoble 43, no.5 (1994) 1597--1618.
Crystal bases of modified quantized
enveloping algebra,
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Duke Math. J. 73 (1994) 383--413.
Crystal bases of Verma modules for quantum affine Lie algebras,
Compositio Mathematica 92 (1994) 299--325
(with S-J.Kang and K.Misra).
Global crystal bases of quantum groups,
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Duke Math. J. 69 (1993) 455--485.
Crystal base and Littelmann's refined Demazure
character formula,
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Duke Math. J. 71 (1993) 839--858.
สqQฬปป ,
w 44ช4
(Crystallization of quantum groups, Sugaku)
44 (1992) 330--342.
Perfect crystals of quantum affine Lie algebra,
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Duke Math. J. 68 (1992) 499--607
(with S-J.Kang,K.Misra,T.Miwa,T.Nakashima and A.Nakayashiki).
Affine crystals and Vertex models,
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International Journal of Modern Physics A 7,
Suppl.1A(1992) 449--484
Proceeding of the RIMS Research Project 1991 ''Infinite Analysis''
(with S-J.Kang,K.Misra,T.Miwa, T.Nakashima and A. Nakayashiki).
Vertex models and crystals,
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C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, t. 315, I (1992) 375--380
(with S-J.Kang,K.Misra,T.Miwa,T.Nakashima and A.Nakayashiki).
Crystallizing the q-analogue of
universal enveloping algebras,
Proceeding of the International Congress of
Mathematicians,Kyoto,Japan,1990,The Mathematical Society of Japan
(1991) 791--797.
On crystal bases of the q-analogue of
universal enveloping algebras,
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Duke Math. J. 63 (1991) 465--516.
Bases cristallines,
C. R. Acad. Sci.
Paris, t.311 (1990) 277--280.
Crystallizing the q-analogue of
universal enveloping algebra,
Commun. Math. Phys. 133 (1990) 249--260.
Sheaves on Manifolds,
Grundlehren der mathematischen
Wissenschaften 292,Springer-Verlag
(1990) (with P. Schapira).
Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture for
symmetrizable Kac-Moody Lie algebra II,
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Operator Algebras, Unitary Representations
Enveloping Algebras and Invariant Theory,
Progress in Math. 92, Birkh\"auser
(1990) 159--195
(with T. Tanisaki).
Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture for
symmetrizable Kac-Moody Lie algebra,
The Grothendieck \hyphenation{Gro-then-dieck} Festschrift, II.
Birkhäuser (1991) 407--433.
The structure of cohomology groups associated with the theta-zerovalues,
Geometrical and algebraical aspects in several complex variables
(Cetraro, 1989), 169--189, Sem. Conf., 8, EditEl, Rende, 1991,
RIMS preprint 674 (with Takhiro Kawai and Yoshitsugu Takei).
The flag manifold of Kac-Moody
Lie algebra,
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Proceedings of the
JAMI Inaugural Conference, supplement
to Am. Journ. of Math.,
the Johns Hopkins University Press
(1989) 161--190.
Representation theory and D-modules
on flag varieties,
Ast\'erisque 173--174,
Orbites Unipotentes et Repr\'esentations,
Soc. Math. France (1989) 55--109.
The invariant holonomic system on
a semi-simple Lie group,
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Algebraic Analysis, Academic Press
(1988) 277--286.
Character, character cycle,
point theorem and group representations,
Advanced Studies in Pure Math.
14 (1988) 369--378.
Character, Character Cycle, Fixed
Point Theorem and Group Representations with the appendix
"Open Problems in the Theory Representations
of Lie Groups", [pdf] 697kb
RIMS-569 preprint, April 1987.
The Poincar\'e lemma for a variations of polarized Hodge
Publ. RIMS, Kyoto Univ.
23 (1987) 345--407 (with T. Kawai).
Involutivit\'e des vari\'et\'es microcaract\'eristiques,
Bull. Soc. Math. France 114 (1986) 393--402
(with Monteiro Fernandes).
A class of elliptic solutions to the star-triangle
Nuclear Physics B275
[FS17] (1986) 121--134
(with T. Miwa).
A study of variation of mixed Hodge structure,
Publ. RIMS, Kyoto Univ. 22
(1986) 991--1024.
Introduction to Microlocal Analysis,
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l'enseignement math\'ematique 32
(1986) 227--259.
On a class of linear differential
operators of infinite order with
finite index,
Advances in Math.,
(1986) 155--168
(with T. Aoki and T. Kawai).
Regular holonomic D-modules and distributions
on complex manifolds,
Adv. Studies in Pure Math.
8, Complex analytic singularities (1986) 199--206.
Hodge structure and holonomic systems,
Proc. Japan Acad., 60 (1986)
1--4 (with T. Kawai).
Le r\'eseau $L^2$ d'un syst\'eme holonome
Invent. Math. 86 (1986) 35--62
(with D. Barlet).
The universal Verma modules and the b-function,
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Advanced Studies in Pure Math. 6,
Algebraic Groups and Related topics (1985) 67--81.
The asymptotic behavior of a variation of polarized
Hodge structure,
Publ. RIMS, Kyoto Univ. 21
(1985) 853--875.
A vanishing theorem for a class of systems with
simple characteristics,
Invent. Math.
82 (1985) 579--592 (with P. Schapira).
Index theorem for constructible sheaves,
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Ast\'erisque 130, (1985) 193--209.
Application of the microlocal theory of sheaves to the study of
Proceedings of symposia in Pure Math.,
43 (1985) 167--174 (with P. Schapira).
Microlocal Study of Sheaves,
Ast\'erisque 128
(1985) (with P. Schapira).
The Riemann-Hilbert problem for holonomic systems,
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Publ. RIMS, Kyoto Univ., 20 (1984) 319--365.
The characteristic cycles of holonomic
systems on a flag manifold,
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Invent. Math. (1984) 185--198
(with T. Tanisaki).
The invariant holonomic system on a semisimple Lie
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Invent. Math. 75 (1984) 327--358
(with R. Hotta).
Holonomic systems of linear differential equations
with regular singularities and related topics in
Advanced Studies in Pure Math. 1
(1983) 49--54.
Microlocal analysis of theta functions,[pdf]
Group representations and systems of differential equations (Tokyo, 1982),
267--289, Adv. Stud. Pure Math., 4, North-Holland, Amsterdam, (1984).
RIMS preprint 450 (with Mikio Sato and Takhiro Kawai).
Vanishing cycle sheaves and holonomic
systems of differential equations,[pdf]
Algebraic geometry,Proceedings
of the Japan-France Conference,
Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1016,
(1983) 134--142.
Linear differential equations of infinite order and theta functions,[pdf]
Adv. in Math.
47 (1983), no. 3, 300--325
(with Mikio Sato and Takahiro Kawai).
Micro-support des faisceaux:application aux
modules diff\'erentiels,
Compte Rendu Acad.Sc.Paris 295
(1982) 487--490
(with P.Schapira).
Quasi-unipotent constructible sheaves, [pdf]
J. Fac. Sci. Univ.
Tokyo, Ser. 1A, 28 (1982) 757--773.
Formulae de l'indice pour les modules
holonomes et obstruction d'Euler locale,
Compte Rendu Acad.Sc.Paris, t. 293, I (1981)
(with J-L. Brylinski, A. S. Dubson).
Transformation groups for soliton equations I-VII,
Proc. Japan Acad. 57 A
(1981) 342, 387, J. Phys. Soc.
Japan 50 (1981) 3806, 3813,
Physica 4 D (1982)
343, Publ. RIMS, Kyoto Univ. 18 (1982)
1077, 1111 (with E. Date, M. Jimbo, T. Miwa).
Monodromy preserving deformation of ramified
solutions to
$(\Delta -m^2)u=0$,
J. Math. Phys., 22
(1981) 2581--2587
(with M.Jimbo and T.Miwa).
Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture and holonomic systems,
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Invent. Math. 64 (1981) 387--410
(with J-L. Brylinski).
On holonomic systems of micro-differential equations
III-systems with regular singularities,
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Publ. RIMS, Kyoto Univ., 17
(1981) 813--979 (with T. Kawai).
Micro-local analysis of prehomogeneous vector spaces,
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Inventiones Math., 62
(1980) 117--179
(with M. Sato, T. Kimura, T. Oshima).
Iษ ฎwp 18,
Iษ ฎ (Foundation of Algebraic Analysis,
Kinokuniya) (1980) (with T. Kawai and T. Kimura).
Second-microlocalization and asymptotic expansions.
Complex analysis,
microlocal calculus and relativistic quantum theory (Proc. Internat.
Colloq., Centre Phys., Les Houches, 1979),
pp. 21--76,
Lecture Notes in Phys., 126, Springer, Berlin-New York, 1980
(with T. Kawai).
The theory of holonomic systems with regular
singularities and its relevance to physical problems,
Lecture Notes in Physics, 126, Springer (1980)
5--20 (with T. Kawai).
Faisceaux constructibles et syst\`emes holonomes
d'\'equations aux d\'eriv\'ees partielles lin\'eaires
\`a points singuliers r\'eguliers, S\'em,
Schwartz, 1979-80, Expos\'e 19.
On holonomic systems for
$\Pi ^N_{l=1}(f_l+i0)^{\lambda _l}$,
Publ. RIMS, 15 (1979) 551--576 (with T. Kawai).
On a class of linear partial differential equations
whose formal solutions always converge,
Ark. f\"or Mat. 17
(1979) 83--91 (with T. Kawai and J. Sj\"ostrand).
Seminar on Micro-local Analysis.
Annals of Mathematics Studies,
93, Princeton University Press, (1979)
(with V. W. Guillemin and T. Kawai).
On the characteristic variety of a holonomic
system with regular singularities,
Advances in Math., 34, (1979) 163--184
(with T. Kawai).
K-types and singular spectrum,
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ibid, 177--200
(with M. Vergne).
Functions on the Shilov boundary of the
generalized half plane,
Lecture Notes in Math. 728,
Springer, (1979) 136--176
(with M. Vergne).
Micro-analyticity of the S-matrix and
related functions,
Comm. Math. Phys., 66 (1979) 95--130
(with T. Kawai and H. Stapp).
Micro-hyperbolic systems,
Acta Math. 142
(1979) 1--55
(with P. Schapira).
A study of Feynman integrals by micro-differential
Comm. Math. Phys. 60 (1978) 97--130
(with T. Kawai).
Probl\`eme de Cauchy pour les syst\`emes
micro-diff\'erentiels dans le domain complexe,
Inventiones Math. 46
(1978) 19--38 (with P. Schapira).
On the holonomic systems of linear differential equations
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Inventiones Math., 49
(1978) 121--135.
The Campbell-Hausdorff formula and
invariant hyperfunctions,
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Inventiones Math., 46 (1978)
(with M. Vergne).
On the Segal-Shale-Weil representations and harmonic
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Inventiones Math. 44 (1978) 1--47
(with M. Vergne).
Eigenfunctions of invariant differential operators on
a symmetric space,
Ann. of Math. 107 (1978) 1--39
(with A. Kowata, M. Minemura, K. Okamoto,
T. Oshima and M. Tanaka).
Systems of differential equations with
regular singularities and their boundary
value problems,
Ann. of Math. 106 (1977) 145--200
(with T. Oshima).
Feynman ฯชฦ[๗ช๛๖ฎ,
(Feynman integral and microdifferential
equations, Sugaku) 29
(1977) 254--268 (with T. Kawai).
Holonomic character and local monodromy
structure of Feynman integrals,
Commun. Math. Phys. 54,
121--134 (1977) (with T. Kawai).
Micro-analytic structure of the S-matrix and
related functions,
Publ. RIMS, Kyoto Univ. 12
(1977) 141--146 (with T. Kawai and H. Stapp).
Holonomic systems of linear differential
equations and Feynman integrals,
Publ. RIMS, Kyoto Univ., 12
(1977) 131--140 (with T. Kawai).
Syst\`emes micro-hyperboliques,
S\'eminaire Goulaouic-Schwartz, 1976--1977,
Expos\'e 24 (with P. Schapira).
Analyse micro-locale du noyau de Bergman,
S\'eminaire Goulaouic-Schwartz,
1976--1977, Expos\'e 8.
B-functions and holonomic systems,
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Inventiones Math. 38 (1976) 33--53.
Finiteness theorem for holonomic
systems of micro-differential equations,
Proc. Japan Acad. 52,
341--343 (1976) (with T. Kawai).
On a conjecture of Regge and Sato
on Feynman integrals,
Prof. Japan Acad., 52 (1976)
161-164 (with T. Kawai).
Structure of a single pseudo-differential
equation in a real domain,
J. Math. Soc. Japan,
28 (1976) 80--85 (with T. Kawai and T. Oshima).
Micro-local calculus,
Lecture Notes in Phys., 39, Springer,
(1975) 30--37.
Micro-hyperbolic pseudo-differential operators, I,
J. Math. Soc. Japan, 27 (1975) 359--404 (with T. Kawai).
Micro-local properties of
$\Pi ^n_{j=1}f^{s_j}_{j^+}$,
Proc. Japan Acad., 51 (1975) 270--272 (with T. Kawai).
The determinant of matrices of
pseudo-differential operators,
Proc. Japan Acad. 51 (1975) 17--19 (with M. Sato).
On the maximally overdetermined system of
linear differential equations, I,
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Publ. RIMS Kyoto Univ. 10 (1975) 563--579.
Structure of cohomology groups whose
coefficients are microfunction solution
sheaves of systems of pseudo-differential
equations with multiple characteristics, II,
Proc. Japan Acad., 50 (1974)\
(with T. Kawai and T. Oshima).
Structure of cohomology groups
whose coefficients are microfunction solution
sheaves of systems of
pseudo-differential equations with
multiple characteristics, I,
Proc. Japan Acad., 49 (1974)\
420--425 (with T. Kawai and T. Oshima).
Index theorem for a maximally
overdetermined system of linear differential equations,
Proc. Japan Acad. 49 (1973) 808--809.
Vanishing theorems of the cohomology of
solution sheaves of systems of pseudo-differential equations,
Proceedings of colloque international sur les \'equations
aux d\'eriv\'ees partielles lin\'eaires (1973) 222--228 .
(Microdifferential equations in the hyperfunction theory,
Sugaku) 25 (1973) 214--238 (with M. Sato and T. Kawai).
On the boundary value problem for
elliptic system of linear differential equations, II,
Proc. Japan Acad. 49 (1973) 164--168. (with
T. Kawai).
Microfunctions and pseudo-differential equations,
Lecture Notes in Math. 287, Springer,
265--259 (1973) (with M. Sato and T. Kawai).
On the boundary value problem for the
elliptic system of linear differential equations,
S\'eminaire Goulaouic-Schwartz, 1972-1973,
Expos\'e N$^\circ $ 19 (with T. Kawai).
On the boundary value problem for
the elliptic system of linear differential equations, I,
Proc. Japan Acad. 48 (1972) 712--715 (with T. Kawai).
On the structure of single linear
pseudo-differential equations,
Proc. Japan Acad. 48
(1972) 643--646 (with M. Sato and T. Kawai).
A remark on characters of unitary representation
of semi-simple Lie groups,
K\^oky\^u-roku, RIMS, Kyoto Univ., (1972) 10--14.
(Algebraic study of
systems of linear differential equations,
Sugaku-Shinkokai) (1971) 1--148.
Pseudo-differential operators in the
theory of hyperfunctions,
Proc. Japan Acad. 46 (1970) 1130--1134 (with T. Kawai).
Related Publications